"Perhaps travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try and understand each other, we may even become friends."
- Maya Angelou

Friday, April 17, 2015

SGF <---> BFS

Hopefully when I'm away I will feel a responsibility to update my blog at least every other day. I haven't felt that many things were blog-worthy in my life as of late, but let me tell you something that is...


- What in the world - 

I've been diligently searching for flights to Ireland in September, and I know (it's only April), but I want to keep an eye on prices, and let me tell you, it/is/not/cheap.

I'm sure everyone knew this already, as did I through social convention, however, there are so many particulars to sort out and I'm so unsure of all of them. Should I get a round-trip and possibly reschedule my return flight since I won't know when I will be coming back until I get to my university in Ireland and schedule classes. Do I only purchase a one-way ticket to Ireland and HOPE that I can afford another one-way ticket back to the states? Which airline is the best? How many stops should I have? What is a reasonable flight time? The list goes on.

And LET ME TELL YOU, not a SINGLE airline has any kind of information on heir websites about flight changes! How much will it cost me to reschedule? I don't know, because it's hidden far far far away in fine print somewhere that I can't seem to find.

I'm positive that when I not only saw a whopping $1300 - $2500 round-trip ticket, but a 21 hr flight time, I decided right then and there that I would find some other way to Ireland. Maybe a hot air balloon, a pirate ship, hell, even take a few swimming lessons from that woman who swam the English Channel (Gertrude Ederle - thanks Google.) 

I could go ahead and purchase the $1300 ticket and probably lose all of my luggage and experience multiple delays. I'm sure I'd enjoy the company of the new mom, (screaming infant in tow) that I just know will be placed right beside me. I could purchase this ticket, but what if it drops to $1100 in two weeks? It's probably best for me to just purchase a ticket and never look back. My $1300 ticket will turn into a $900 one the next week. C'est la vie.

Also, I don't even HAVE $1300 at the moment to drop on a ticket. This is where it becomes even more stressful. I have ONE credit card and I'll be the first to let you know that my limit won't allow for airfare. These are the things I'm consistently worrying about. I'm hoping that it will all work out and end up being completely worth the stress.

To make matters even worse I've been told that IP's are tracked when frequently searching for airfare so that airlines can jack up ticket prices and make flights seem more booked. I was ALSO told that the type of computer I'm searching on could determine flight prices. To sum everything up I'll quote a text that I received from one of my good friends:

"So you should use a TOR browser, 6 weeks out, in the morning, on a cheap PC, and you might get the best price." 

Basically, I'll let ya know when the flight is booked and when I finally purchase the ticket I won't EVER look back because I don't want to see the money I could have potentially saved.

~ Have a bea - YOU - tiful day! ~